The Vivitar 70-150mm Auto Zoom Close Focusing lens is one that came to me with a Konica 35mm camera I picked up off of fleabay. Under the right circumstances it can give quite interesting results, such as this favorite picture of mine where it was fitted to a Canon EOS 6D DSLR. Lately I’ve been playing with it on the Olympus OM-D E-M1 micro four thirds mirrorless camera.
The lens isn’t that marvelous (at least I’ve not found the secret) at longer distances, but up close – wow! In the image above you can zoom in and see the rear end of an ant that is down inside the flower! Today I grabbed the E-M1 and stepped out the front door to try a couple shots – and ended up with a lot more than I’d figured. Below are a few examples.
So 2025 is off to a good start. I’ve been shooting my Canon collection of DSLR’s so much that this little Olympus is quite a challenge. I’m going to try and use it more this year, mostly with the various manual lenses for which I have adapter rings.