Yesterday I grabbed the Olympus and captured a few images from our tiny garden plot in front of the house. We don’t have a large variety of flowers as there’s not much room. But even so as they go through their cycles of growth and blooming and such, as well as the different types of light throughout the day, one never knows for sure what will pop up and catch one’s attention. This little plot never seems to grow old, always showing a different face and a different image to capture. Yesterday it was a couple of stingless bees doing what they do in their search for pollen and nectar.

A while back we were given a rose branch to plant, a different variety than we had already. It produces a lovely orangish blossom – only it didn’t. And then we left for a visit to family and family events up north. Much to our delight the new rose decided to put out a special effort and greet us on our return!

As mentioned, we have other varieties of rose as well, including this rose colored rose. 😉 😀

We’re not sure what these flowers are called, but we have a variety of them in different colors. They are a small blossom, so that ant is truly tiny in comparison.

I believe this next one is a kind of orchid. It grows in the ground and has a kind of “palm” type of leaf. It starts blossoming with one or two flowers and then keeps adding to the bunch. They are quite lovely, but tend to shade out other flowers around them.

These next two are the same type of flower as the first image in this post. But at different stages of development and without the incoming bee. 🙂 Begonia, perhaps? I’m not sure, but they are a lovely flower and grow quite nicely here.

And finally, this last one they say “isn’t a flower”, but it looks like one to MY eye. It was given to us as an indoor plant, but didn’t really thrive inside our livingroom. So we put it out in the flower bed under the livingroom window. NOW it’s doing quite nicely!