Canon EOS T1i & the EF-S 18-55mm “kit lens”

Snobbery, a nasty thing. But it is a part of life and many have no idea how to deal with it. In
"This Is My Father's World"
Snobbery, a nasty thing. But it is a part of life and many have no idea how to deal with it. In
A few weeks ago we had occasion to visit New York City. We’d been in the state previously, and even drove through
A while back we put a small bird bath in place across the street from my office window. It’s just an old
The little Rebel T3 is a fairly decent camera, especially when paired with a good lens. The EF-S 55-250 lens is known
Today I dragged the 6D along, tossed the 50mm and 75-300mm lenses in the bag too, but ended up using the telephoto
There are lenses that are popular as the object of disdain and even hate – but which will give the hobbyist good
A friend loaned me his L series 16-35mm lens. I was asking about any place in town that might carry old lenses.
Last night was a beautiful, mostly clear skies, night. And despite the city light pollution the full moon was clearly visible. There’s
This year I’ve been working at learning to use my DSLR cameras “off auto”, to one extent or another. Learning to calculate
A few months ago I saw the above mentioned lens on fleabay, listed as “non-functioning autofocus” but claiming good optics and worked